Sustainable Health track at the Blockchain MakerDays 2019
Mainz, 12–14.04.19

PositiveBlockchain recently communicated about the UNECE initiative on Public-Private-Partnership for Sustainable Health and its working groups on digital technologies (i.a. blockchain) for the future of healthcare.
In few weeks, the initiative will be present at the MakerDays in Mainz to foster blockchain for healthcare creation. It is the opportunity for you — participant, partner — to engage!
About the 2019 Blockchain MakerDays
The MakerDays are similar in concept to a “Hackathon”, but the organizers made a conscious decision to use a more open definition in the title so as to address a wider group of people. The two MakerDays will provide a creative space for people from different disciplines. Instead of simply bringing together “hackers” (in the sense of “techies“), people working in design and business will join interdisciplinary teams in order to develop collective blockchain solutions.
The Teams
80 participants who will tackle Challenges in teams of five to seven members. Several teams may work on the same Challenge. Ideally, two thirds of each team will be developers and one third will be participants from the fields of design and business.
The Challenges
A number of challenges will be proposed to participants, focusing on business applications in the fields of Mobility, Impact, Media and Health. The themes are widely represented in the industrial and innovation ecosystem in Mainz and the Rheinhessen area in Germany.
Every Challenge presents a task which leaves room for the participants to develop creativity and “out-of-the-box” thinking. The definition of a Challenge should be open enough to allow participants to approach it from various angles. Themes can either be proposed by the respective sponsor / Challenge Owner or developed with our assistance. To ensure quality results, Challenges will be communicated to the participants as early as possible so that they can explore their subject ahead of the event.
Partner: PPP Initiative 4 Healthcare

The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 sees an important role in innovative technologies to support sustainable development. Blockchain technologies are an important emerging innovation that can drive the implementation and monitoring of SDG objectives through public-private partnerships in line with SDG.17 and specifically in Health with SDG.3.
Blockchain technologies can offer a strong help to bring all stakeholders together — all those involved in and regulating value chains: producers, intermediaries, end-users and governments. As a partner of the Blockchain MakerDays, we explore together with participants possible solutions for the healthcare sector in the form of a challenge.
Blockchain & Sustainable Healthcare Challenge
- Application of blockchain for e-health governmental systems: create reliable, trustworthy and uncorrupted registries of healthcare Information and identities related to birth certificates, fingerprints or other biometric data
- Simply the healthcare market by connecting players through shared platforms using smart contracts
- Reward healthy patient behaviours using tokens and promote ethical use and monetization of health data (e.g. related to connected devices)
- Improve drug supply chain and traceability to mitigate counterfeiting
- Take advantage of digital currencies and smart contracts to fund and execute healthcare-related projects (e.g. in development finance or public-private-partnerships to increase transparency and reduce risks of corruption)
- Application of blockchain in financing, construction and facility management of healthcare facilities
Join the Sustainable Health Track
Development agencies, public institutions, NGOs, startups, pharmaceuticals and private companies are invited to partner. Contact the event organizer and PB Contributor at [email protected].
Participants can learn more and register here.

We are blockchain enthusiasts, educators and consultants. We are companions for people, organizations and institutions to understand and use Blockchain technology. We are the Blockchain Competence Network. Consisting of chainists. Our customers and previous event partners already include ZDF, IHK Rheinhessen, IHK Hub, Gutenberg Digital Hub and the UNECE PPP 4 Healthcare Initiative.