BC100+ is a global initiative under the auspices of H.E. Csaba Körösi, President of the 77th UN General Assembly, which aims to bring together the blockchain ecosystem in support of the values of the UN Charter and the SDGs by mapping global blockchain ecosystems for sustainability. BC100+ intends to promote quality debate, raise awareness and clarify the opportunities of blockchain’s role in realising the UN Charter Values and the 2030 Agenda.

Some steering members of the BC100+during a Brussels gathering
PositiveBlockchain has been aligned with these goals since its formation, and has made its mission to raise awareness of the potential of blockchain technology to accelerate much-needed change in our climate protection mechanisms, inclusive financial services and biodiversity protection among other issues. PositiveBlockchain is therefore glad to contribute to this valuable initiative based on its years of work, network and knowledge as a member of the Steering Committee.
BC100+ is an initiative that brings together leading blockchain initiatives and platforms from different backgrounds and a broad range of organizations from different sectors. Steering Committee members include International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications – INATBA, IOTA Foundation, EPE and Dunia Bora, RFI Foundation, Wadappt, PositiveBlockchain, Climate Chain Coalition – CCC and European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum – EUBOF.
The BC100+ Manifesto already has dozens of signatories. Be part of them by visiting the BC100+ Website and signing the Manifesto. All organizations are invited to join, wether you are building a concrete web3 solution or are part of the broad ecosystem.
About PositiveBlockchain:
PositiveBlockchain is the open database, knowledge platform, and community exploring the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact. The association has a mission to build a web of knowledge and support collaboration for technology and social impact enthusiasts willing to leverage blockchain technologies for the U.N. SDGs. The database currently lists about 1300 projects and startups using blockchain technologies for good. Projects are either crowd-sourced or identified and qualified by PositiveBlockchain or its alliance partners comprising associations, universities, or blockchain foundations. PositiveBlockchain is a contributor-based non-profit association registered in Paris and active globally. https://positiveblockchain.io/