PositiveBlockchain database - Submit a new project

PositiveBlockchain is the open database, knowledge platform and community exploring the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact. The association has a mission to build the web of knowledge and support collaboration for technology and social impact enthusiasts willing to leverage blockchain technologies for the U.N. SDGs.

The database lists hundreds of projects and startups using blockchain technologies for good. Projects are either crowd-sourced or identified and qualified by PositiveBlockchain or its alliance partners comprising associations, universities or blockchain foundations.

PositiveBlockchain is a contributor-based non-profit association registered in Paris and active globally.

  • Visit our Data Wiki here to check for data schema and rules.
  • You want to edit an existing project? Go to the project page on the website and click on the button to Propose an edit.
  • Do you want to submit a list of multiple projects? Go to our Bulk Upload form and use a spreadsheet template.
  • Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for support.

As PositiveBlockchain is steering member the the BC 100+ Initiative, we are glad to invite you to join this community in support of the UN Charter of values by signing the online Manifesto.

About the project

Is the project a PositiveBlockchain project?
This means you have a strong aim at creating a positive social or environmental impact and solve some of our world’s burning problems (SDGs) through the use of blockchain and DLTs. We don't intend to list the entire blockchain ecosystem, but rather have a focus on projects committed to the SDGs. Note: the project should be focusing on developing or implementing a concrete blockchain solution.

Project name *

50 characters max

Is the project Active? *
The database also includes relevant projects which may be aborted or don’t use blockchain any longer.

Your website *

Short description *
Please write a short description in 1-2 sentences telling precisely what you do.
Long description
Feel free to use this to detail your activity and mention figures, KPIs, partners, notable facts about the project and its impact.
Business Tagline
This will be displayed below the project title.
Year of creation of the project/company
If the company existed before, select the year of launch of the blockchain project

Name of Founders

Founders only. Please respect this formatting -> "Name", "Tittle"; "Name", Tittle"

Headquarter city

Headquarter country
Select a specific country or “Distributed/Global”

Servicing Countries
You may have a headquarter in a given City/Country but have active local projects or implementations in other countries. Select the countries where you have specific local activities. Select "All [Region]" (i.e. All Eastern Africa) if your work is region wide. Select Distributed/Global if you act purely digitally.

Organization type

Sponsor & partners
Feel free to name notable sponsors and partners involved in the project/organization.

Project Links

Add the url of the most relevant project video


Blockchain Type

Blockchain platform(s)

Token Ticker

Only capital letters

Project Logo URL

When inputting a URL for a logo, please use an image URL from an open platform or a publicly accessible Google Drive URL to ensure visibility. Ensure that the URL leads to the desired logo image.

PB Partner Tag
We are helping our partners create sub-directories within our DB. If you are submitting a project as part of a PB Partner list, write the “PB Partner tag” here. If you are not aware or not sure, simply keep empty.

About you

(this data will be used by PositiveBlockchain only, wont be visible nor shared)

Are you the project owner or working for this project?

Your name *

Your email *

Do you want to receive our newsletter (project updates, new projects listed, interviews of blockchain for good entrepreneurs, etc..)?

Data privacy *
I understand that the information above can be used by PositiveBlockchain and also published on http://positiveblockchain.io. You can request to correct, remove or block incorrect data by sending an email to [email protected]
Anything else to add?

Got any suggestions to improve this form? Questions or doubts? Let us know!

Need help? Get in touch [email protected]

with the support ofbfg_logo